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    🫣 Climate & net zero - ❌ with one 🌏 atmosphere- are red herrings!
    Heathrow is in the wrong location. Horrible noise & particle ✈️ path pollution. A new 4-runway airport in the Thames Estuary is sensible. With no 10 -15 years M25 chaos!
    ‘Move Heathrow’🤔 @Telegraph @BBCNews

    👏 ⁦@Morrisons⁩ 🥇 👨‍🌾 🚜 🌾. C’mon ⁦@Tesco⁩ ⁦@sainsburys⁩ ⁦@asda⁩ ⁦@marksandspencer⁩ ⁦@JohnLewisRetail⁩ ⁦@AldiUK⁩ ⁦@LidlGB⁩ ⁦⁦⁦@coopuk⁩ ⁦@ACS_LocalShops⁩ ⁦@fromIGD⁩ ⁦@the_brc⁩ 🤔

    🤔🇬🇧 retailers can price all items @ £300 à la this 🇺🇸 #CA initiative then 👮‍♂️ will have to respond 🤔🧐🫣

    @ACS_LocalShops @ThisIsRN @fromIGD @the_brc @JackCourtez @JMLowman @GohilParin @BBCNews @Telegraph @metpoliceuk

    Does @scotgov have #SFA else to do 🧐 🫣 Not #addiction #crime #education #economy #health #transport #ferries #business #reducingtaxation … 🤔😳
    @BBCScotlandNews @TheGrocer @ScotGrocersFed @ACS_LocalShops @fromIGD @the_brc @ThisIsRN

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